Wednesday 9 August 2017



Hari terakhir di bumi Hanoi..planning hari ini lepas breakfast kita orang check out dan jalan -jalan sekitar Hanoi.Namun masa breakfast datang manager hotel husband and wife diorang kata lebih baik ikut tour lebih murah dan banyak tempat cover harga usd 25 saja sebab setengah hari.

Restaurant Hangmy Boutique Hotel

 Jam 8 am kita di jemput oleh tour guide,guide hari ini sangat bagus dia introduce he self dan perkenalkan peserta yang ikut tour dia.Rupa-rupanya ada sepasang suami isteri dari Malaysia turut serta  dalam bas ini dari Johor.

Antara lokasi yang sempat kami jejaki...


West Lake was created from a curved part of Red River and appeared in several Vietnamese legends. One legend suggests that West Lake was shaped after the battle between Lạc Long Quân and a nine-tailed fox spirit, and that's why the lake was once called "Fox Corpse Swamp"

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Kawasan ini sangat luas dan banyak pokok di tanam sejuk mata memandang.

Apa yang istemewa dengan pintu gerbang ini??


The Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Complex is an important place of pilgrimage for many Vietnamese. A traffic-free area of botanical gardens, monuments, memorials and pagodas, it’s usually crowded with groups of Vietnamese who come from far and wide to pay their respects to 'Uncle Ho'. Within the complex are Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum, Ho Chi Minh’s Stilt House and the Presidential Palace, Ho Chi Minh Museum and the One Pillar Pagoda.

Information about Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh is the great father of Vietnam, who dedicated his life to save the country from invaders.He was born into an educated family. Since he was very young , he soon expressed as a talented and patriotic person. In 1930, Ho Chi Minh founded the first Vietnamese Communist Party. Under his Party’s leading, Vietnamese people were successful in fighting against the French occupation and had our own independence, when he became the first president of Vietnam.
Respecting his contribution and modality, for all Vietnamese family, he was regarded as the Great father or simply Uncle Ho.Uncle Ho passed away in 1969, at the age of 79. Actually, in his will, he asked for a simple funeral and wanted to be cremated then buried in three parts of the country. The North was the place where he worked and led Vietnamese revolution. The Center is his home land and the South is where in1911 he left for finding to new way to release the country and had no chance to come back since then because of the war.

Masuk kat dalam kena pakai pakaian yang sopan jangan seksi
no camera dan beg besar
Close on Monday and Friday

Panas sangat masa ini 

The Presidential Palace
Nowadays, the Palace is still the Palace for the President. It is used mostly in the national ceremony or national receptions to diplomats and foreign leaders.The architecture is a mirror of the French essence. The only tropical character of the villa is their surrounding mangoes

Sebahagian dari peserta tour

Tersimpan rapi

Ntah bunga apa ne

Dari belakang
his preserved body is now laid to rest in a glass case in the Ba Dinh area of Hanoi. This is more than a tourist attraction, it is a part of living history and a visit here stays long in the memory. The sombre building was modeled after Lenin’s mausoleum in Moscow
Opening Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 07:30 - 10:30, 
Saturday & Sunday 07:30 - 11:00
 Address: 8 Hung Vuong, Dien Bien, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Singgah sebentar kat sini,sambil melepas hajat kalau berhajat boleh lah beli barang-barang kat dalam ini.

Nak beli tapi tak mampu
harga sangat mahal

Cantik ..nak p sini satu hari nanti

Sebelum kami di hantar balik ke hotel,kita orang singgah lunch..lunch dah masuk dalam pakej..ingatkan buffet tak pula..manager cakap tak serupa.Lepas makan driver hantar kita orang depan hotel padahal bas yang kami ikut ini besar..Sebelum kami turun guide sempat ucap have a safe flight and trip to Cambodia..see you..

Tiba kat hotel jam 1.30pm naik atas dan check out..kita orang tanya baki duit masa check in tapi staff dia tak bagi..Meluat sekali dengan gaya dia saya kembalikan resit bayaran  hotel tu..Oh ya wife manager tu cakap tour kita orang tu sebenarnya usd 55.00.Binawe punya  manager..saya tak recomended lah 
ikut pakej yang diorang tawarkan ne.Tinggal kat hotel ini boleh cuma jauh dan kalau ikut tour bas tak akan jemput dan hantar depan hotel diorang akan turunkan di persimpangan jalan besar tapi pakej day tour pagi ini ok pula seater 42 pax sebelum ini 20 seater.

Satu hari nanti saya akan datang kembali ke Hanoi banyak lagi tempat menarik kat sini.Kena plan lebih awal,hotel tak nak tinggal kat sini lagi.

Jam 2pm driver hotel datang dan kita orang terus say good bye pada manager dan staff hotel.Wah..diorang hantar kita dekat kereta dan lambai-lambai lagi sambil cakap kalau awak nak datang sini tahun depan call kami kami akan bagi special price,aku jawab ye saja dalam hati tak nak last hari ini.

Ntah apa ne

Jalan menuju ke airport

Besar airport ne kecil lagi KKIA

Dari dalam toilet

Kita orang naik Vietjet air..

Bye Hanoi panjang umur jumpa lagi
Ada turbulence masa ini..
Nasib baik ok

Tiba-tiba lapar
 Imigration Cambodia kena scan lima jari ya..Balik nanti 4 jari saja

Hotel Vila Medamrei ne driver dia bagus sangat dia tunggu kita betul-betul di pintu ketibaan tak macam Hangmy Boutique Hotel penat kita mencari satu jam.Kita orang tiba kat  Villa Medamrei jam 9 malam.Tiba di airport jam 7pm tapi staff imigration bertugas tiga orang saja diorang check dengan teliti pasport kita orang visa belajar masa kat Sarawak pun di lihat dengan hati-hati.Ramai tourist yang tak tahu prosedur imigration suka mereka bergambar dah terang-terang bertulis no camera tak faham juga,tak isi arrival card,tak ada visa,tak ada alamat hotel dan yang paling meriah scan lima jari tu..tu yang melambatkan.

Hotel ini ada bagi welcome drink ntah apa minuman tu..minum je lah dah dahaga.

Belakang tv tu bilik mandi di balik langsir itu balconi kecil

Hairdryer kena pinjam di kaunter
Dari petang sampai kat hotel hujan lebat lepas mandi planning nak bawa adik p dinner mesti dia lapar.Tengok kat luar masih hujan..So ingatkan adik akan call la kejutkan kita nanti kalau hujan dah reda,Saya tidur lepas mandi.. terbangun jam 1 pagi..Teringat adik dekat bilik sebelah..kasihan dia..Esok pagi masa breakfast tanya dia semalam tak lapar?lapar makan biskut beli di airport..Kenapa tak call saya,saya tertidur lepas mandi..senyum kambing adik saya..sorry my adik.Mesti dia takut jalan dengan saya sudah..

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