Friday 11 August 2017




Jam 9 pagi kita orang bertolak dari Villa,panas terik matahari hari ini..rugi tak tengo sunrise tapi malas nak bangun awal lagi pun order breakfast box dah close semalam.Lupa la nak bagi tahu kat receptionist.Sebenarnya masa check in receptionist dah tanya tapi saya tak decide lagi.

Pemandangan sepanjang jalan memang menarik suka tengok design bangunan mereka.

Ada hotel mewah owner orang Korea kata Mr Salleh,baik untuk ekonomi mereka.

On the way nak p beli ticket

Sampai..belum lagi kena beli ticket kat sini, ada beberapa line dan kena que mengikut berapa hari kita nak masuk ke Angkor Wat.

Line dari sebelah kiri

1) Angkor Wat 7 day pass usd 72
    This ticket is valid for one calendar month from the date of purchase.You have a whole month in 
     which to visit the Angkor Temple on the seven days of your choice.
2) Angkor Wat 3 days pass usd 62
    This ticket is valid for 10 days from the date of purchase.You can choose which three days you
     wish to visit the Angkor temple.
3)Angkor Wat  1 Day Pass usd 37 (counter are located on the right hand side of the Angkor Ticket 
   The ticket is valid only on the day of purchase

*Be aware of a strict dress code,shorts or skirts till knees and shoulders covered,a t-shirts is fine but mo scarves.Remember that this is a place of worship so be respectful.

Sebelum bayar kena ambik gambar dulu dah siap bayar lah

Jom gerak ke Angkor Wat


Located about 6 km north of Sieam Reap,South of Angkor Thom.Entry and exit to Angkor Wat  can only be access from its west  gate.The largest monument of the Angkor group and the best preserved,is an artitectural masterpiece.

After 1432 when the capital  moved to Phnom Penh,Angkor Wat  was cared  for by Buddhist monks.

Menurut Mr Salleh 1st stop ini sangat luas selalunya ambil masa  beberapa hari atau beberapa jam saja .Ada  tasik kata dia tasik tu di buat oleh orang untuk protect the Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat di seberang sana

Tip before proceeding along the causeway turn right,go down the steps of the terrace and walk along the path a few meters for a view off all five towers of Angkor Wat.

Return to the center of the terrace  and walk down the causeway towards the main part of the temple.The left hand side of the causeway has more original sand stone than the right hand side,which was restored by the French.

Di sebalik jendela
Nak naik atas kena Que ramai orang malas lah..

Ini lah lokasi orang ramai melihat sunset dan sunrise

Jalan menunju ke exit

rupa-rupanya ada monyet nakal 
Dah selesai round Angkor Wat jom gerak ke sebelah kena naik kereta 


Di sebalik cermin kereta,Mr Salleh suruh turun dari kereta tapi malas panas  45 degree celscius

Bring water bottle


Lokasi terakhir jalan kaki boleh tapi panas sangat,jauh tak la 1.7 km dari Angkor Wat.

Ta Prohm is most interesting  as you can see how nature slowly devour a lost civilization..Trying to comprehend  how people can build this with no modern technology or machinery is mid  boggling.The ruins were full of overgrown trees which makes it very nice place to take pictures. 

terperasaan bila masuk satu Angkor mesti ada gate

Ramai orang que nak ambil pictuer kat pokok ne


tempat siapa berlakon??
 Jam menunjukkan pukul 3pm..lapar tau....Jom balik..Dekat sini sebenarnya ada restaurant tapi kita orang kan walau pun bukan di lahirkan muslim dan bukan beragama Islam tapi kita orang di kelilingi oleh saudara  mara beragama Islam dan halal food itu dah terbiasa sejak kecil lagi.Leceh kan kami..dan satu lagi perut kita orang hanya menerima sayuran,nasi dan daging ayam. Daging lain-lain jenis tak boleh allergic begitu lah juga dengan seafood.

Serabai wayar elektrik diorang..
Kita makan kat restaurans kelmarin
Lepas makan minta tolong dengan Mr Salleh bawakan kita ke sini


Seperti biasa jika ke mana-mana saya akan cuba pasti kan mengunjungi dan mengikuti Mass di Church.

We thank you Lord for the divine protection that you have. ... 
Thank you, 
that by faith in the work you have done, we are protected and secure, everywhere we go


Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday :6.15am (Mass in Khmer)
Friday : 7.00pm Mass in Khmer,Rosary begin at 6.30pm


Saturday :6.30pm ( Mass in English).
Sunday : 7.30am There is only ONE  Mass On Sunday

Sempat mengikuti Rosary sebelum Misa di jalankan.
Tidak ramai umat yang hadir masa ini

Jam 7.30pm Mr Salleh datang menjemput kami,lepas drop hotel hantar barang-barang yang di beli tadi keluar cari dinner dan ke night market lagi.

* banyak gambar nak upload..nanti je la

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