Sunday 6 October 2013

tumakad gunung kinabalu

Gunung Kinabalu

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Image result for perhentian mendaki gunung kinabalu
ihsan google

Seindah namanya begitu lah wajah akinabalu yang terpampang dari kejauhan hinggalah menjejakkan kaki ke dada gunung kinabalu..Dengan ketinggiannya yang mencapai 4095.2 meter dari atas laut.Gunung Kinabalu merupakan gunung paling tinggi di Asia Tenggara dan untuk mendaki gunung yang tertinggi di Malaysia  perlu latihan naik bukit dan joging selama 6 bulan untuk diri saya.Latihan yang saya lakukan tak lah 7 hari seminggu adakalanya dalam seminggu satu atau dua kali sahaja.Stamina dan rasa keyakinan yang tinggi akhirnya membawa kita hingga ke puncak Low's Peak.Dengan semangat itu lah saya berjaya sampai ke puncal Low's peak sebanyak 7 kali dan tiba  di puncak sebelum jam 5 pagi.Adat apabila hujan lebat keadaan gunung sangat berbahaya dan licin,pernah sekali semasa pendakian ke empat semasa turun di km 6,kaki saya terpeliat akibat salah pijak batu yang licin dan akhirnya saya di papah oleh dua orang guide.Guide ne bukan guide group kita diorang masih di belakang .terima kasih banyak-banyak pada guide tersebut.

Pendakian bermula pada jam 2 pagi dari asrama Gunting Lagadan atau pun Laban Rata dan sebaiknya tidur awal pada malam untuk mencukupkan tenaga.:).Sebaiknya makan sedikit sarapan pagi dan bawa air mineral dan juga coklat untuk bekalan di sepanjang perjalanan.Pastikan torchlight yang di bawa berfungsi dan guna bateri yang baru.Semasa pendakian ke puncak pastikan sepasang gloves extra di sediakan,mana lah tahu dalam pendakian  tersebut hujan.Jangan lupa pakai topi..

Sepanjang pendakian menuju ke Low's peak ada tempat pendakian yang sangat bahaya dan curam.Pastikan kita sentiasa berpegang pada tali yang di sediakan di sepanjang pendakian tersebut.Berhati-hati dengan langkah kita  kerana ada batuan yang licin.Pendakian 30 minit pertama sangat mencabar buat diri saya di sebabkan perubahan suhu yang sejuk.Di sini kekuatan fizikal dan mental perlu kuat,jika tidak kita akan berpatah balik.Untuk meneruskan kita teruskan langkah dan tarik nafas dan hembus nafas sekiranya perlu berhenti sekejap dan tarik nafas,sekiranya angin datang sila cari batu batu besar untuk melindungi diri dari kesejukan tersebut.Windbreaker yang di pakai  adakalanya tidak dapat melindungi dari pada rasa kesejukan tersebut.Selepas satu jam pendakian saya tiba di sayat-sayat.Di sini kita boleh berehat selama 10 minit dan meneruskan pendakian hingga ke puncak

Cara untuk mendaki ke Gunung Kinabalu ,boleh tempah melalui travel ejen yang sah di sekitar Asia city,Api-api Centre,Kampung Air, dan Sabah tourism.Untuk  pengangkutan boleh  sewa kereta  atau pun ikut kenderaan awam dari Kota Kinabalu ke Ranau tambang bas sekitar rm 25 dan taxi rm30.

Jom kita lihat gambar-gambar yang masih tersimpan dalam memory card samsung dan nikon camera..

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 cantik kan...

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Low's peak

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menakutkan..jangan bersandar di tepi tiang mahu pun tali di sebalik tali tersebut ada jurang yang sangat dalam

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dalam kolam ne banyak duit syiling

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bekas hakisan maka terjadi lah bentuk sebegitu...

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tali sebagai penujuk arah tak akan sesat jika kita ikut tali tersebut

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pokok-pokok renek 

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laban rata ini lah hostel yang ada heater tapi tak semua bilik ada

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sepanjang perjalanan pendakian kita kan terjumpa dengan pekerja kinabalu park

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Image result for kinabalu park ranau

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bunga raflesia

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1.Booking Hostel di Gunting Lagadan Hut atau pun Panar Laban (heated room)
2.Makanan tak payah risau restoran Kinabalu park ada jual makanan tapi harga sangat mahal boleh bawa  makanan sendiri seperti maggi,roti,milo,kopi atau pun chocolate dan mineral water.
3.Sihat tubuh badan
4.Kalau boleh jogging 3-4 bulan sebelum pendakian bermula

Entrance fee:

                                         Malaysian        Non Malaysian
Adult:   RM 3.00 per person      Rm15.00
Below 18 years RM 1.00 per person      Rm 10.00

MOUNTAIN GUIDE FEE (Timpohon Gate / Peak / Timpohon Gate)

1-3 Climbers - RM70.00 per trip
4-6 Climbers - RM74.00 per trip
7-8 Climbers - RM80.00 per trip

MOUNTAIN GUIDE FEE (Timpohon / Peak / Mesilau Trail)
* Starting and ending at different point

1-3 Climbers - RM80.00 per trip
4-6 Climbers - RM86.00 per trip
7-8 Climbers - RM92.00 per trip

MOUNTAIN GUIDE FEE (Mesilau Trail / Peak / Mesilau Trail)

1-3 Climbers - RM84.00 per trip
4-6 Climbers - RM90.00 per trip
7-8 Climbers - RM100.00 per trip

Malaysian:     Non-Malaysian:
Adult:   RM 30.00 per person RM 100.00 per person
Below 18 years RM 12.00 per person       RM 40.00 per person

RM7.00 per person

RM 10.00 per person

* Mesilau Trail / Timpohon Gate
  To Laban Rata  - RM76.00 / trip (10 Kg)
  To Sayat-Sayat - RM88.00 per trip (10 Kg)
  To Summit        - RM100.00 per trip (10 Kg)

* Timpohon Gate / Timpohon Gate
  To Laban Rata  - RM66.00 per trip (10 Kg)
  To Sayat-Sayat - RM80.00 per trip (10 Kg)
  To Summit        - RM88.00 per trip (10 Kg)

* Mesilau Trail / Mesilau Trail
  To Laban Rata  - RM88.00 / trip (10 Kg)
  To Sayat-Sayat - RM100.00 per trip (10 Kg)
  To Summit        - RM110.00 per trip (10 Kg)

5 persons & below         RM 30.00 per way
6 persons & above         RM 8.00 per pax



Identify your Mountain Guide(s) who will display an identification card.

Travel together in your own group and stay with the Mountain Guide(s) at all times.

Follow the instructions of your Mountain Guide(s).

Alert  your Mountain Guide(s) if you face any difficulty.

Display  your  climbing  permit  and show  it  to  Park  Officials  at the check points at Timpohon Gate, Laban Rata and Sayat-Sayat on your way up and down.

If for any reasons, you are separated from your group or the Mountain Guides, please follow the white rope that marks the Summit Trail. If visibility is very low or in the dark please hold onto the rope and follow it. ( There is a thick white rope leading all the way from the vegetation belt above Panar Laban to the Summit. Use this rope to help climbing up and prevent falling when walking down. PLEASE FOLLOW and USE THE ROPE FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY.)

The weather on the Summit area can deteriorate in a matter of minutes. Thick mist may reduce visibility to only 3 meters, and rainstorms and wind of up to 120 km/hr may occur at times. Please hold on to the ROPE, which will lead you to safety.

If you are separated from your Mountain Guide and lose sight of the ROPE, STOP IMMEDIATELY, stay where you are and blow your whistle to attract attention. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO FIND YOUR WAY OUT. HELP is definitely on the way. The Park Officials at Sayat-Sayat check point will notice that you are missing.

While climbing to the Summit please make sure to carry with you the followings:-

     Wear enough warm clothing (temperature can be freezing  at times)

      A torch light (to light your way during the pre-dawn
Climb and to signal for help when needed)

      A rain coat  (to protect you from rain and and wind,
            and it will slow down the loss of body        

       A whistle (only to be used when help is needed.                                                                
Three Short   blasts   to    attract    attention,   long continuous blasts for emergency and serious injuries)

Some energy food and water (for emergency-use when you are
(e.g. extra chocolate, glucose waiting for help to arrive)
        tablets, biscuits)


DO NOT CLIMB if you are suffering from or have
a history of the following ailments:-

1. Heart Disease
2. Hypertension
3. Chronic Asthma
4. Peptic Ulcer
5. Severe Anaemia
6. Diabetes
7. Epileptic Fits
8. Arthritis
9. Palpitation
10. Hepatitis (Jaundice)
11. Muscular Cramps
12. Obesity (Over Weight)
13. Any other sickness that may be triggered
      by severe cold, exertion, and high altitude.


While you are in the Park, please observe the rules and regulations of the Park.

It is an offence under Parks Enactment, 1984 to deface, damage, set fire to or remove anything existing inside the Park or to introduce any plants or animals into this Park without the written approval of the Director of Sabah Parks.

Please help to protect the environment. Do not litter or leave any rubbish behind on the mountain. Please bring down all the rubbish or anything you brought up this mountain.

                                      Thank You pTimpohon Gate to Laban Rata(0800hrs)
  • It is a day climb, usually warm and sunny. So lightweight clothing like t-shirts and bermudas/shorts is sufficient. Track bottom is okay.
  • Cap/hat.
  • Sun-glasses .
  • Raincoat, in case of rain. Disposable raincoat is easily available in Kota Kinabalu and Kinabalu Park. Umbrella, if necessary.
  • Good shoes. It is better for you to have a high cut shoes as to prevent from ankle injury. Sports shoe is adequate.
  • Rubber sandals/slippers. Some of the climbers use only open-toe rubber sandals with thick socks during the first part of the climb. It can also be used in the wet bathroom during your stay in Laban Rata.
  • Sunblock cream .
  • Face towels.
  • 1 liter water bottle. You can refill your water during the climb on each shelter.
  • Toilet tissue papers.
  • Food that is light and easy to eat - like raisins, chocolate, nuts, energy bars, glucose and some oral rehydration salts. Other food like instant noodle, instant coffee or tea, bread, canned sardines and tuna, if you would like to save some money for your meals at Laban Rata.
  • Plastic bags.
  • Insect repellent (with DEET).
  • Medicines (please refer to medical advice).
  • Waist pouch. It will also be used during the second part of the climb.
  • Your backpack. Better to have a waterproof one. If not, pack everything in double plastic bag in case of rain. Try to limit it to less than 10 kilograms. It would be a burden for you to bring more than that.
  • Still or video camera . This is a must. Bring spare batteries, memory cards (for digital) or film (for manual camera). You would not want to miss anything, right?
  • Walking/hiking stick (trekking pole), but it is not necessary.
  • Towels, toothbrush and toothpaste. Soap is provided in Laban Rata. You can have your bath in a heated bathroom there.

Laban Rata to Low's Peak (0230hrs)

  • It is a night climb, usually cold and windy. So, warm clothes is essential. It reaches below 5°C at the peak!
  • Torchlight. Headlight is better as most of the time you have to hold the rope in the dark.
  • Balaclava mask. It will protect your face from the cold wind.
  • Gloves. Waterproof gloves is best, but two pair of good wool gloves is necessary. It will protect your hands from rope burn and cold.
  • Wind breaker or jackets, long sleeves shirts, thick trousers/cargo pants, thick socks and good shoes.
  • Ski mask, to protect your head from cold and the wind.
  • Small water bottle (500ml bottle is enough). The only place to refill you bottle is at Sayat-sayat Hut.
  • Raincoat. 
  • Some light foods.
  • Camera with enough memory cards or film and batteries.
  • Waist pack is handy at this time as you could keep your camera and raincoat inside.
boleh rujuk kat sini..


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