Friday 12 August 2016

Hong Kong

1st Day In China : Hong Kong

Hong Kong Day 1

Memulakan perjalanan dengan menaiki taxi diawal pagi dari rumah ke Kota Kinabalu International Airport.Charge taxi  Rm30

Map of Hong Kong
Peta HongKong

Banyak peta Hong Kong dan subway map saya attach kat sini.Kenapa?? Gambar ini lah yang membantu saya sepanjang 5 hari berada di Negara China.Selain dari itu China travel guide dan Hongkong Tourism juga tempat saya mencari informasi.Sampai juga akhirnya saya ke sini salah satu negara dalam travel list yang ingin saya kunjungi sejak sekian lama.Saya akan menulis tentang pengalaman saya dan sahabat saya Tlyns tentang perjalanan kami travelling sepanjang lima hari berada di negara yang sempat kami kunjungi.Jangan lupa download subway map di play store handphone untuk kegunaan semasa berada di sana.

Hong kong menggunakan matawang Hong Kong Dollar .Semasa saya menukar wang tukaran RM ke HKD ialah RM100 bersamaan dengan HKD190 dan RM100 bersamaan dengan RMB 179

Kita orang booking AirAsia flight dari Kota Kinabalu ke Hongkong dan Guangzhou-Kota Kinabalu pada bulan Mei 2016 sempena promosi AirAsia..harga memang berbaloi rm399.Terima kasih banyak-banyak Tony Fernandez..Jam 6.20am penerbangan di teruskan ke Hong Kong dan tiba 3 jam kemudian..dalam flight kita orang kena isi arrival form,boleh rujuk kat sini

Hongkong International Airport


Tiba di luar jangan lupa beli Octopus Card
hk$150,hk$50 sebagai deposit dan hkd 100 di gunakan untuk tambang perjalanan.Octopus card boleh di top up di mana-mana kedai 7eleven atau pun kaunter MTR station.Jangan lupa jika nak keluar Hong Kong kembalikan Octopus card ke mesin dan baki hkd41 di kembalikan hkd9 lagi untuk tax/charg.

Choice of Octopus Card

There are many types available, however for a tourist, you probably be looking at The Airport Express Travel Pass and Standard On-Loan Octopus (Child, Adult, Elder).

Airport Express Travel Pass

Airport Express One Free Single Journey + 3 days unlimited travel on MTR + $50 deposit + Stored value $20 = Price HK$220
Airport Express Two Free Single Journeys + 3 days unlimited travel on MTR + $50 deposit + Stored value $20 = Price HK$300
(valid for 180 days)

Standard On-Loan Octopus (Child, Adult, Elder)

Adult: Deposit $50 + Stored Value $100 = Price HK$150
Child: Deposit $50 + Stored Value $20 = Price HK$70
Senior: Deposit $50 + Stored Value $20 = Price HK$70

TIP: The tourist versions which are generally bad deals unless you use the MTR / airport express a lot.

Where to Buy

Can be purchased on arrival at Hong Kong International Airport MTR Airport Express Customer Service Counters

MTR Customer Service Centres:

All stations (except Racecourse station)

Light Rail Customer Service Centres:

Ferry Pier Terminus, Leung King, Town Centre, Yuen Long Terminus, Tin Yat, Siu Hong and Tin Shui Wai stations

First Ferry Customer and Octopus Service Centres:

Cheung Chau Pier, Mui Wo Pier, Central Pier 5 & Central Pier 6

New World First Bus Customer Service Centre:

Admiralty (East) Bus Terminus

Cash Payment Only. Credit cards are not accepted for purchase of Octopus Cards or other MTR tickets

Tip: However, credit card payment is accepted for purchase of Airport Express tickets!

Jika nak beli sim card naik ke level 5 HKIA cari kedai 1010.Saya di beri pilihan oleh penjual sim agar memilih sim card China mobile berharga hk$80,namun sangat mengecewakan telefon samsung minta network pasword dan hanya boleh berfungsi di hp Nokia

Hari pertama di Hong Kong kedatangan kami disambut dengan hujan lebat.Apakah planning ke Disneyland Resort dan The Peak kesampaian??.Tanpa berfikir panjang kami mengorak langkah menuju ke perhentian bas di sebelah kanan terminal,namun tiba-tiba sahabat saya mengajak ke restoran.Kita orang naik ke tingkat satu dan makan kat situ,saya tak makan sebab masih kenyang dengan nasi lemak airasia.Rakan saya order nasi campur (ayam & sayur) plus iced tea berharga hk$45.Jam 1pm hujan masih lebat.Bergegas mencari HongKong Airport shuttle bus bernombor 21A,menurut staff di kaunter informasi kita kena turun di perhentian Man Ming Lane tambang hkd$33 di tolak dari octopus card.Baki hk$77..

tu..dia stop kita orang..

Sampai kat stop Man Ming Lane kita jalan ke arah kanan untuk ke Metro Winner Hotel selang beberapa kedai sampai lah di Metro Winner Hotel dekat hotel ini ada kedai jual kuih.
Receptionist kaunter terletak di 5th floor.Hotel ini kenakan deposit hk$500, bayaran untuk dua malam hk$1100.Kami di beri bilik di tingkat 16 Deluxe twin room.Kira ok la hotel ne wifi laju cuma tak puas hati sebab hari kedua diorang tak buat cleaning kita orang punya bilik.Tak berbaloi dengan harga yang di charge.Not recomanded lah..

download kat google play,sangat-sangat membantu jika hendak ke suatu tempat

Metro Winner Hotel

(Reception @ 5/F) Metro Winner Center, 476 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Address: Quality Education Group Centre, 476 Nathan Rd, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 3755 0300

Check-In From: 02:00PM
Check-Out Until: 11:00AM
Distance from City Center: 0.1km
Distance to Airport: 34km
Non-Smoking Rooms / Floors: YES
Number of Floors: 16
Number of Rooms : 88
Room Voltage: 220
Time to Airport (Minutes): 45
Year Hotel Built: 2016

Hotel ne dekat dengan ladies Market 15 minit jalan kaki naik mtr pun boleh.

Metro Winner Hotel

receptions kaunter
deluxe twin room

Shampoo ne wangi rambut lembut je,shower cream pula wangi lemon

                                                  percuma tooth brush,colgate

ada haidryer

jika nak booking boleh masuk website ne .Hotel ini  dekat dengan mtr station Yau Ma Tei exit C.

Route :
From MTR – Yau Ma Tei Station ( Tsuen Wan Line) 2 minutes walking distance from Yau Ma Tei Station Exit C.

Airport Bus:
Take A21 Airport Bus at the Ground Transportation Centre, getting off at the bus stop named as “Man Ming Lane”.
You can take A21 city bus from Airport to drop off at Man Ming Lane. Then walk straight and Passing the Mcdonalds. The hotel is on your left and it takes about 5 mins walk from bus stop to the hotel. To return to Airport, you can take A21 bus which pick up passengers in front of China Bank (across the main road). Just about 3 mins walk from the hotel to China bank.

 Disneyland Resort

Nak booking ticket klik kat sini

Jam 2 pm kita orang bergegas pula de Disneyland Resort,hujan gerimis menyertai kami..dari hotel ke stesen Tshim Tsha Sui exit C  hanya 2 minit berjalan kaki..baru 10 minit berada di Disneyland Resort hujan turun lagi.Kita orang pun berpatah balik menuju ke mtr dan tujuannya adalah menuju The Peak.

sebelum hujan cuaca ok je..

masa ne hujan dah nak turun

Victoria Peak

Lokasi di Hongkong Island

Macam tak percaya sebelah kiri dan kanan jalan tersangat ramai orang berbaris untuk menaiki bas.hajat tak kesampaian kita hanya bergambar di sekitar tersebut dan ke St.John Cathedral Hong Kong dekat saja..

Berjalan melalui Central Station dan mencari jalan keluar J2 kemudian berjalan ke arah Peak Tram Terminus pada Garden Road.Boleh mengambil kereta api MTR ke stesen Central Exit J3 kemudian berjalan kaki yang singkat menyeberangi Connaught Road arah tengah di mana anda akan mencari perhentian bas untuk bas no. 15C .

masa perjalanan bas adalah kira-kira 10 minit @ HK$4.2 yang akan membawa anda terus ke terminal Peak Tram Station.

On Foot - From MTR Central Station

It’s a pleasant walk from Central to the Peak Tram Lower Terminus. Along the route, there are a few famous Hong Kong landmarks.

From MTR Central station, make your way to the J2 exit and walk up to the ground level. Turn right, through Chater Garden, cross Queen's Road Central, and make your way up Garden Road. You will pass the Bank of China Tower and Citibank Plaza on your left and St John's Cathedral on your right.

By Bus to Garden Road Peak Tram Lower Terminus

Board the Peak Tram shuttle bus No. 15C at the Central(Near Star Ferry Pier 8) Bus Terminus.Daily : 10:00 am to 11:40 pm(from Man Kwong Street outside Central(Pier 7) )

Daily : 10:15am to 11:55pm(from Garden Road Peak Tram Lower Terminus)

Frequency : 15 to 20 minutes

Fare : HK$4.20

Routing Remark :

Half fare for Children under the age of 12 & Seniors aged 65 or over.
Open Top Sightseeing Bus is operated every 30 minutes approximately
Upon unavailability of Open Top Sightseeing Bus, double deck or single deck air-conditioned bus will be deployed to substitute.

By taxi to Garden Road Peak Tram Lower Terminus

Please show to the driver ”中環花園道山頂纜車總站”Peak Tram Lower Terminus :

33 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong

Tel :(852) 2522 0922

Fax :(852) 2849 6237

Website :

Email :

You may also choose to take other forms of public transportation to reach the Peak, including buses, minibuses or taxis.

By Bus

Route No. 15(First Bus) Normal

Central Pier 5 to The Peak

Daily : 10:15 am to 12:15 am(from Man Kwong Street outside Central(Pier 5))

Daily : 9:10 am to 1:00 am(from The Peak)

Frequency : 7 to 15 minutes

Fare : HK$ 9.80

Route No. 15B(First Bus)

Causeway Bay(1 King's Road inside Park Towers) to The Peak Sundays and Public

Holidays only : 12:00am - 7:00pm(from Tin Hau)

12:40am - 7:40pm(from The Peak)

Frequency : 20 minutes

Fare : HK$9.60

(Available on Sundays & Public Holidays only)


By Mini Bus

Minibus No. 1

Central(Two IFC) to The Peak

Daily : 6:30am - 12:00am (from Central)

Daily : 7:10am - 12:25am (from The Peak)

Frequency : 10-12 minutes

Fare : HK$9.20

By Taxi

Taxis are plentiful throughout Hong Kong apart from remote areas, and can be hailed on the street(except restricted areas) or summoned by phone. All are metered, relatively cheap, air-conditioned and clean.

Peak Tram ticket :

Adult return :HKD 40

Adult single hkd 28

Child return hkd 18 single hkd 11

Untuk melihat pemandangan yang cantik pilih tempat duduk di sebelah kanan Peak Tram .
Ini akan memberikan anda sudut yang terbaik untuk menangkap rakaman video yang luar biasa semasa berpindah ke 373 meter bukit atas.Selain dari itu kita boleh masuk ke Madame Tussauds

Jika nak beli ticket online boleh masuk web ini


Avenue Of Star
subway : Mongkok ==> Hong Kong Avenue of Stars.....close

Garden Of Star
visitors can take the MTR East Tsim ShaTsui Station subways exits which adjoin both venues. It is indeed a memorable and fun-filled journey for those who love movies

The coach lay by is located at Salisbury Road. Visitors can then use the nearby staircases, escalator or lift via the footbridge to arrive at the Garden of Stars.
Visitors who come by MTR can take the lift next to the East Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit P1. Alternatively, visitors can use the staircase or escalator adjacent to the Tsim Sha Tsui East (Mody Road) Bus Terminus to reach the Garden of Stars.

Jalan-jalan sekejap kat Garden Of Star

“Garden of Stars” is located at the Tsim Sha Tsui East Waterfront Podium Garden. Since major repair and improvement works is now carried out along the Avenue of Stars, the Avenue’s statues including Hong Kong Film Awards Goddess, Bruce Lee, Anita Mui and McDull, have been temporarily relocated to the Garden of Stars. This venue has become a must-see Hong Kong destination by the overseas visitors and locals since opening in November 2015.

Ladies Market


By bas : Get-off at Nathan road Bus stop (6th bus stop) 688 Nathan Road outside Argyle Centre near Mong Kok Station (Exit B1). Take a few steps walk through Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Tung Choi Street (Ladies' Market), Fa Yuen Street.

The famed, open-air Ladies' Market in Tung Choi Street is a perfect place to shop for inexpensive clothing, accessories, electronic games, toys and great souvenirs. It's open 12:00 noon until 9:30 pm, daily. Also, Sai Yueng Choi Street South has a fantastic shops with the latest Audio-Visual and telecommunication products and it is open 10:00 am until midnight, daily.

MTR: Tsuen Wan Red Line
Stesyen: Mongkok Station, exit E2

Keluar dari mtr jalan kaki ke depan dan jumpa lah Ladies Market,apa yang saya lihat di sini bukan semua baju perempuan di jual pelbagai barangan seperti beg tangan,souvenier dan sebagainya.Harga jika minta diskaun mungkin di beri,kain yang ada di jual di sini kebanyakan saya boleh jumpa di shopping complex Centre Point,Wawasan Plaza,KK Plaza,1 Borneo,Suria Sabah,harga pun lebih kurang sama,cuma beg travel beroda memang lebih murah beg size 26' hk$160.Ada peniaga yang boleh bercakap bahasa melayu

Option 1 - MTR
Follow signs to your nearest MTR station, that will probably be Tsim shat sui Station, or possibly Jordan. Avoid "East Tsimshatsui Station" which is on the wrong line.
Pay with Octopus or use coins to buy a ticket. It is HK$5.50 for a ticket, or HK$5.20 from your Octopus.
Take the Tsuen Wan line, signed in red, in the direction towards Tsuen Wan.
Travel two stations past Jordan and Yau Ma Tei and alight when you arrive in the Mongkok Station
Take the escalator up from the platform and follow signs toward Exit E, called the Bank Centre exit. When the tunnel splits, turn towards E2.
At street level walk directly away from the MTR exit along Nelson Street, taking care when crossing roads, for one whole block and you will be in the middle of the Ladies Market.

At this point you can turn into the market either to your left or right, both are fine though turning right, southward, will give you more of the market to walk along.

Option 2 - Walk
Walk north along Nathan Road and enjoy the busy street but keep an eye out for the MTR signs.
Pass Jordan MTR station
Pass Yau Ma Tei MTR station
Look for a right turn into Dundas Street
Walk one block and turn left into Tong Choi Street

With this route you arrive right at the southern end of the road, so to explore the market it is simply a matter of walking northward to see all the stalls.

Temple Street Yau Ma Tei

Direction :
Yau Ma Tei exit E turn right..

barang-barang biasa saja yang di jual..murah sedikit dari lokasi lain

tiada yang boleh di beli hanya sekadar mencuci mata..

Temple Street Night Market from Nathan Road

From the northern part of Nathan Road it is just walking distance, if you are within sight of Jordan or Yau Ma Tei MTR stations, you'll see signs for them, then you can just walk. The Temple Street Night Market entrance is on Jordan Road just 3 blocks from Nathan Road. But if you are in the southern part of Nathan Road, around the Golden Mile and near Victoria Harbour, then take the MTR.

Go into the MTR at Tsim Shau Tsui MTR station or which ever is closest, then take the Kwun Tong line northwards towards Kwun Tong, leave the train system at Jordan Station.

Inside the station read the signs for exit A - this is the closest exit to the Temple Street Night Market. The exit uses steps so is not wheelchair friendly.

Once leaving the MTR Station at Exit A you will find yourself on Jordan Road, near the corner with Nathan Road. Turn to the right and walk along Jordan Road for 3 blocks. The entrance to Temple Street is well marked with a large red Chinese gateway.

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