Sunday 6 October 2013

jalan-jalan Manila Philipines

Manila Philiphines day 1 24.1.2014

Last minute packing baju akhirnya tepat jam 11am bertolak dengan taxi ke terminal 2,kita orang guna perkhidmatan Air Asia,murah ke mahal tetap sama sampai juga ke destinasi..
Setelah semua berkumpul kakak saya Salome,adik Anjell,anak kakak Devra dan anak kakak juga Gail,saya menbahagi-bahagikan duit peso yang telah mereka pesan sebelum ini.Percutian ini ditaja seratus peratus oleh saya..bestnya koorang..

Saya bertemu dengan dua orang sahabat yang mengikuti percutian iaitu Nency dan adiknya Donna dia juga di taja oleh kakaknya..mesti shopping bagai beg besarnya..Tak lama kemudian sahabat baru yang mengepalai percutian kita datang bersama rakan-rakannya..Setelah memberikan alamat hotel di Manila kami bergerak menuju ke gate berlepas..

          Manila Philiphines 

           day 2 25.1.2013

hari kedua berada di negara orang memang sangat menyeronokkan hilang seketika tekanan semasa kerja..

hari ini kami memutuskan untuk ke Greenbelt Makati Manila..pusat membeli belah di Manila.


 Home to Plaza Miranda, Manila's original answer to Trafalgar Square, and most especially to the Black Nazarene, an enduring Catholic icon brought from Mexico in the early 1600s. It is also a place famous for flowers, herbal remedies, love potions, fortune tellers, religious items, as well as electronic goods (Raon St.) to native handicrafts and tourist curios sold at Quinta Market and under an overhead bridge fondly called by some locals as Ille de Toule a French corruption of Tagalog "Ilalim ng Tulay" translated in English as "Under the Bridge". Old and delightful Art-Nouveau elite houses are now converted to tumbledown slum enclaves sharing space with B-rated movie houses past their grandeur and glory days. The premier and oldest mosque in the city serves as a centerpiece for Manila's small rendition of Arab & Muslim Town, a concept set up by Imelda Marcos to imbibe some sense of cosmopolitanism in the city.

plaza miranda
Black Nazarene

Located alongside the Quiapo Church, Quiapo Market Manila is another good and cheap place to enjoy shopping in Manila. Quiapo, district of old Manila, is well known for its markets and stalls that are good place to pick up traditional Filipino handicrafts. Besides, this place also offers cheap prices on items including electronics to clothing.

Quinta Market Quaipo Manila

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